Friday 31 August 2012



can't rules writers ,when writing a rulebook place everything relevant to each other together. Its bad enough struggling with a new rule set, or a newer version of one you know ,with out looking in 15 places to peice together a paragraph of writing to tell you what to do.

This blog is being written because of not one rulebook but many, its just the Dystopian wars rulebook, is the straw that broke the camels back. Why the rant? You ask. Let me explain.

  I want to know if a flight of tiny flyers; Dive bombers, to be exact. Can split its fire, between to targets. In a well laid out rulebook, this would be easy. But in the Dystopian Wars book ooooooo no, let me talk you through this , to show you why I am raged.

  If you have the rulebook, I will drop page numbers in so you can follow my rantings, I am using the ver1.1, the rules for tiny flyers are on page 48, it talks about them being set up, landing taking off etc. But nothing about how they attack or defend, even though they attack and defend different to other things. Tiny flyers are able to combine attack rather than link, this is on page 62; it states and I quote, "tiny flyer CAN - COMBINE FIRE with ORDANANCE with stands in their wing". This to me says they can , but don't have to, my problem with this is, does this mean if they don't COMBINE they can hit a different target to the others in base contact ?

Next is SPLIT FIRE on page 49, again I quote "ORDANANCE and AUX weapons can SPLIT FIRE to allocate any available attack dice (AD) amongst VALID TARGETS". Now to see what is VALID for a TINY FLYER, we have to look to page 64. Again here I will quote, " a tiny flyer dive bomber wing uses BOMB does NOT use RANGE BANDS, it has a RANGE of 0inch, the wing MUST be in contact with the MODEL, BASE or STAND of the target". Now this is a problem if I have a wing making contact with 2 vessels technically they are both VALID, technically then I can COMBINE and/or SPLIT my ATTACK DICE (AD) between 1 or both of these 2 vessels

OR CAN I, I don't frigging know do you? 

So I return to my first point why is this not all in one section why do I need to search for 30 minutes to piece together a paragraph or sentences that allow me to work out if I can or can't attack something. Worse still because I am having to piece together this its open to interpretation of the reader or readers, see I think I can split fire as you can see by my musing, I concur with my thoughts during the last game I had with ASH. he was unsure either wat and said, err on side of caution till we knew, hence why I tried to suss it out.

So can I or can't I.

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