Saturday 18 August 2012

Spartan Games announces Dystopian Legions!

Spartan Games have announced Dystopian Legions, a 28mm tabletop wargame based on Dystopian Wars!

Since pretty much all my previous wargaming experience has taken place at this sort of scale I'm quite excited about it, especially considering how much I like the Dystopian Wars setting - I like, and consider myself a bit of a Steampunk, so I like stuff like Dystopian Wars and Warmachine, wargames that employ a new take on what these days would be considered a more antique technology.

From what images Spartan Games have teased us with so far and from what I know of the Dystopian Wars rules I've had a few thoughts on what we could get:

Infantry: I can see these working like small and medium squadrons, with models having a single health point, with dice being rolled to overcome an armour value/damage rating to inflict death upon a model, in a similar way to how combat works in Dystopian Wars. Likewise, I imagine models will have the same sort of firing options available to them as models in Dystopian Wars do, such as being able to link fire to take down larger, heavier infantry targets, or being able to use something similar to the indirect fire option to represent firing while hiding in cover and not aiming properly. Likewise I could see cover either increasing the armour rating/damage rating, or making it harder for the opponent to hit, such as going from 4's to 5's perhaps. Squads would have a couple of models that carry more specialist weaponry such as flame throwers and rocket launchers and sniper rifles.

Heavy Infantry: I see these being similar to infantry but tougher, capable of taking multiple hits, and carrying much bigger guns. Things like the Teutonic Knights of the Prussian Empire. I imagine they'd have a firing option equivalent of split fire, allowing them to use their big guns' high rate of fire to attack multiple models.

Tanks: I've not really played Dystopian Wars from a land perspective so can't really draw any comparison to them there, but I imagine they would be like the equivelant of a Dreadnought or a Battleship at sea - big, tough, scary and nasty. Like the Landships perhaps?

Tiny Fliers: Except they wouldn't be so tiny. They'd be fast, strong, and cost a fair chunk of points out of your list. They'd probably also be quite fragile, but would be a real terror to tanks and infantry alike while on the table.

Commanders/Generals: I imagine these would act in a similar manner as a fleet commodore, being able to buff allied squads and such while on the table, while also being able to take part in battle itself as well! When I first saw the image of Oberleutnant Lily Reitsch in the Dystopian Wars 1.1 rulebook, my first thought was that at some point Character Commodores were going to be introduced that would have individual Command Abilities and/or would allow players to use themed lists similar to those found in Warmachine, allowing for new and different fleets to be played by doing things such as increasing the maximum size of a squad or decreasing the points cost of a model, or that some sort of larger-scale wargame was in the works.

Dystopian Legions wont be released until October, but if the prices of things are anywhere near as cheap as what those for Dystopian Wars are, I can see it becoming quite popular rather quickly!


  1. Like we have chatted this has a lot of potential, cud this tag teaming with Warmachine steal the belt from GW and 40k, I think so.

    1. I think price will be a big factor - if it's cheap enough, yet the miniatures of a high enough quality, it could pull the rug from underneath both Games Workshop AND Privateer Press!

    2. I wrote an awesome reply, then deleted it, ARSE
