Tuesday 21 August 2012

Of Wargaming and Music.

Dropzone Commander unboxing blog has yet to materialise, but until I get that done, I've been thinking about music one can wargame to - the Beard has a CD player in the same room as his gaming table, and the Outpost often had music playing in the background. The Beards CD player had as yet gone unused, but the Outpost often plays discs I assume are brought in by members of staff, who fortunately have a better taste in music than the drivel usually played on local radio stations.

It doesn't really set much of an atmosphere though, so I've been wondering what sort of music would? Would classical music be suitable for the epic naval battles of Dystopian Wars or the titanic clashes of Warmachine? Would the Halo soundtrack add that little extra something to a game of Dropzone Commander? I don't know, but I'm going to find out!


  1. Classical music on my stereo, on way watch, I think not, unless it's that epic Russian music m "huHt for Red October"

    1. I was thinking stuff like national anthems and film/game sound tracks myself, so that could work.

      You don't bring a t.A.T.u. CD to a Khador vs Khador game!
