The Beard and I had a game of X-Wing yesterday, in which for the first time ever, he managed to destroy my Y-Wing!
It was quite spectacular too! The R2-D2 equipped Y-Wing had already taken two points of damage, but when the Beard managed to manoeuvre a TIE fighter directly behind it at range band one there was only one target it was going to go for. It was also the only target, but that's semantics! All three dice landed as critical hits and the Y-Wing went on to fail on its single dodge die. The first crit blew away the single point of shield it had left, leaving the two remaining crits to deal a whopping four points of damage, taking it's total to six. As the Y-Wing only has a hull rating of five, we felt it sufficient to say it exploded into a burning inferno of death and destruction!
I lost the game but don't mind the slightest as it has proven that Y-Wing can be beaten - the Beard had been complaining that it's overpowered. I am inclined to agree, but who knows, the TIE interceptor might change that when we get one!